=== VR-Visitas (hits counter stats) === Author: Vicenç Ruiz http://www.vruiz.net (webmaster@vruiz.net) Contributors: vruizg Tags: visits, stats, counter, hits, widget Requires at least: 3.1.0 Tested up to: 3.2.1 Stable tag: 3.0.3 Create and manage a counter visits to your page. Display options to show it on your template (footer) or sidebar (widget). == Description == This plugin allows you to keep track of visits to your page. You can display the counter of visits and other data on your pages, and you can filter the results by controlling the time, IP and visits you consider trash. To get data from users, this plugin uses: * If the function `get_browser()` is not active in your server, uses a call to user defined function `get_browser_local()` developed by [Alexandre Alapetite](http://alexandre.alapetite.fr/doc-alex/php-local-browscap/) that uses a local `browscap.ini` included as a library with this plugin. You can get an updated version of this library in: [browscap.ini](http://browsers.garykeith.com/downloads.asp). * To display Country stats, you need to install the `ip2nation` data on your database, if not installed the report for Country stats remain inactive. Yo can download the mySql data from [ip2nation](href="http://www.ip2nation.com/). * If install `ip2nation`, may be you want to install the files to display country flags. You can download it from myself [flags](http://www.vruiz.net/download/66) and copy the folder `/flags/` into your `/wp-content/` directory. == Installation == **New install:** 1. Upload the folder `/vr-visitas/` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory. 1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress. 1. Update settings (link: **Settings** / Activate / Delete). **Update:** 1. Deactivate the plugin. 1. Delete all old files and folders. 1. Upload the folder `/vr-visitas/` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory. 1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress. 1. Update settings (link: **Settings** / Activate / Delete). **Notes for update users:** * The old tables are renamed, and updated, keeping data, however it is recommended to make a backup of the database before updating the plugin. * Some options are new or have been changed, and perhaps the old data don't work exactly like before. Please, go to settings page and makes changes on those that needed. == Changelog == Version 3.0.3 *(09/16/2011)* * Fixed: Error updating settings when `ip2nation` isn't installed. * Fixed: Minor syntax errors. * New: The visits from "no referer", don't register anymore in database. Added new option to reverse this. * New: Search box in the "last entries report". The filter applies over referer data. * New: *HOTTEST* Now also counter for page views within the interval between two visits from same IP. * Modified: New search services has added to `vr_visitas_get_search_string`. Now have a better filter, from the referer, of the search string. Version 3.0.2 *(09/14/2011)* * Fixed: Incorrect translation of dates and numbers. Added `_i18n` in all dates and numbers. (Thanks to Ruben) * Fixed: Error once updated fromm 3.0 to 3.0.1, all options are reset. * New: The last entries list is now paged, and all fields be displayed as a sortable columns. A new option has added to determine the number of items to display. Version 3.0.1 *(09/12/2011)* * Fixed: Syntax error on updating from version 2.1 * Some settings options have been changed for better selection of the items tath show in output. (User request) * Added: Button to reset default settings. (User request) * Fixed: Now the option `Contact` should be an valid e-mail address or a valid URL. If not stated correctly, the field is not validated. *This has changed because, if accepted some different text, cracks the link shown*. * Fixed: Likewise for IP address fields in `Settings`or `Manage keywords`: Now only get a valid IP. * Fixed: In `Stats overview` the `Search stats` don't show anymore the rows with: '*search string not found*'. Versión 3.0 *(10/09/2011)* New enhancements in this version: * Code rewriten to optimize functions and queries to database. * Separate modules to include only the needed files in the admin or main pages. * More controls to manage trash entries in database. * More interval times to manage scheduled cron jobs (clean database). * More new options in the configuration page that lets you take control of all tasks of this plugin. * Now the widget accept multiple instances. * New graphics *(pie charts)* to compare the top ten on every stats report. * **Uninstall hook** to automatically remove options and database tables when deleting the plugin. *You also see the [full changelog](http://www.vruiz.net/tema/changelog-2/).* == Screenshots == 1. Keywords management (admin) - Gestionar claves (admin) 2. Last entries report (admin) - Informe de últimas entradas (admin) 3. Stats report detail (admin) - Detalle de los informes de estadísticas (admin) 4. Settings page (1) - Página de configuración (1) 5. Settings page (2) - Página de configuración (2) 6. Widget detail (sidebar) - Detalle del widget (sidebar) 7. Footer page detail (user view) - Detalle del footer de la página (vista de usuario) == Frequently Asked Questions == **How to use** Once activated the plugin, 4 new tables are added to your database in order to register all visits and keys to manage these hits. In main Settings menu you can access to settings page for **VR-visitas**. Each option have been explained on this page. In the menu page VR-Visitas you have the next options: * **Last entries**: Display a report of last entries in your database (visits). * **Manage keys**: In this page you can add or delete keywords and IPs to filter the trash entries of the database. * **Clean database**: On click, the database is cleaned based in the keywords that you defined above. * **Stats overview**: Display a report of different types of entries (browser, os, etc.) as defined previously in settings page. To activate the counter is mandatory to include a call to function in your template, so: 1. Add the widget to your sidebar, but, if the sidebar are not displayed on all pages, the visits for users that access directly to these pages, aren't included in database. 1. -or- Insert the function call directly in your page footer. You have an option in settings page to do this. 1. -or- Manually add the next PHP code to your template. Make sure that this part of your template displays in all pages. **VERY IMPORTANT! Only one of these options may be active. Otherwise the function page counter, duplicates the number of page views.** Code to add: `` You can view a sample of output in the settings page. Many options to manage the output mode are included. This function accepts 3 arguments `( $before, $separate, $after )` in order to pass html tags and personalize display: Sample: `vr_visitas_user_display( '');` Displays an unordered list of elements like you can view in widget display. *For more help, you can visit our [Support Forum](http://www.vruiz.net/foro/plugins/vr-visitas/).*