=== Facebook Members === Contributors: iCrunch Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=8ZF6WATLYFELQ Tags: Facebook, Facebook Members, Social Media, Like box, Facebook, Plugin, Facebook Plugin, Facebook Recommendation bar, Recommendation, iCrunch, iCrunch.co Requires at least: 3.2 Tested up to: 3.5.1 Stable tag: 4.7 THE Simplest way to bring Facebook LikeBox + Facebook Recommendation Bar functionality to WordPress. == Description == Facebook Members is a WordPres Social Plugin that enables Facebook Page owners to attract and gain Likes from their own website. This is the simplest way to bring Facebook LikeBox + Facebook Recommendation Bar functionality to WordPress. See how many users already like this page, and which of their friends like it too. Read recent posts from the page Like the page with one click, without needing to visit the page. Get more visitors and more traffic to your site by getting more Facebook Fans. The Recommendations Bar allows users to like content, get recommendations, and share what they’re reading with their friends. Subscribe to Twitter and Facebook to get **latest update**: [Twitter](http://twitter.com/iCrunchCo) | [Facebook](http://www.facebook.com/iCrunch) | [Feedback](http://icrunch.co/facebook-members/) | [Screenshots - Admin Panel and Preview](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/facebook-members/screenshots/) **New** * New: Official recommendation Bar Plugin added * Option to Show/Hide Faces Option * Option to change Background Color * Option to change Border Color **Features** * Uses Official Facebook APIs. * Facebook Like Box Plugin Integration. * Facebook Recommendation Bar Plugin Integration. * Show Like Box on any `Page or Post`. * Show Like Box in `Sidebar/Widget Area`. * Option to specify Width, Height, Number of Connections, Stream, Heading for both Sidebar and Post/Page widget. Tags: facebook, FB members, facebook plugin, like box, likebox, facebook like box, facebook integration == Installation == 1. Unpack the `download-package`. 2. Upload the file to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory. 3. Activate the plugin through the `Plugins` menu in WordPress. 4. Configure the options under Admin Panel `Settings -> Facebook Members`. 5. Done and Ready. 6. Please see FAQ for usage. == Frequently Asked Questions == = How can I get Facebook Member Widget to my blog's Page or Post? = * Please add `` to any page/post under HTML section. = How can I get Facebook Members to blog's sidebar? = * Go to `Appearance -> Widgets -> Facebook Members` and add it into Sidebar. = Where do I get latest updates on plugin? = * On Twitter and Facebook. = What should I put in page name section? = * You need to provide whatever is after `facebook.com/`........ (URL). = How do I disable Recommendation Bar plugin = * Simply keep AppId field blank. = Got a Question? = * Please report your questions or bugs at Plugin Homepage. * NOTE: I've created this plugin as of my personal interest only. == Screenshots == 1. Sample1 - Clean (No Faces, No Stream) 2. Facebook Recommendation Bar Plugin added 3. Sample2 - Background Color + Border Color 4. Sample3 - No Border 5. Sample4 - Background Color + Border Color 6. Admin Panel Options for Post/Page Widget 7. Admin Panel Options for Sidebar Widget 8. Page/Post Sample Example == Changelog == = 4.7 = * Minor bug fix * Plugin Homepage link updated = 4.6.1 = * AppId condition check added. If you are using other Recommendation Bar plugin and want to disable it, simply keep AppId field blank. = 4.6 = * New Feature: Facebook Recommendation Bar Plugin. More Info. = 4.5.3 = * Please visit Plugin Homepage for detailed changelog.